Class Five: Game of Thrones and the Fantasy Genre

The final class in the “Christ & (Film) Culture” class examines the phenomenon of “Game of Thrones” and our culture’s fascination with fantasy shows and movies. Many aspects of this genre may be appealing to Christians, but how far is too far regarding our immersion and enjoyment of a world that simply does not exist? What about “Lord of the Rings” and “Narnia” series, written by two prominent believers in Christ, C.S. Lewis and Tolkien?

Class Three: Netflix's Bird Box and Apocalyptic Thrillers

What is it about “end of the world” stories that are so appealing to our culture? Why do movies like “Bird Box” and apocalyptic thrillers appeal to millions of people, worldwide? This third class of the “Christ & (Film) Culture” L.I.F.E. series will explore this phenomenon and how/if the Church body should engage these storylines. Are there some Scriptural parallels and important ideas to extract from these movies? This class attempts to interpret the world’s attraction to the collapse of civilization, as well as formulate ideas for how followers of Christ should respond.

Class Two: The Big Bang Theory and Sitcoms

How did the Big Bang Theory become the most watched television show (after football) in America? And also the most watched sitcoms internationally? How does the genre of comedy shape us in unexpected ways? This class wrestles with these questions, as we continue to examine film through the lens of Christ and Culture, Christ Against Culture, and Christ Transforming Culture (from Richard Niebuhr’s classic, Christ and Culture).

Class One: The Super Bowl and Sports

This first class of the series explores the phenomenon of football in America. Why is it so popular in our national culture? What are it’s roots and how has it impacted us, positively or negatively? Why has the Super Bowl and advertising become such a big deal, and how can it be contradictory, in some ways, to our Christian walk? As we continue through the series, we will be exploring what scripture tells us about our relationship to secular culture.