Welcome to the C.A.S.K.E.T. Old Testament Survey!

Course Objectives:

1.     Equip participants with an overall framework for understanding God’s story and mission with ancient Israel as the essential precursor for the Messiah
2.     Equip participants with tools to apply the Scriptures of the Old Testament to their own lives in a coherent and theologically consistent manner
3.     Establish new and meaningful relationships between participants in the class


Typical Format:

30-40 minutes of teaching
20-30 minutes of discussion (in small discussion groups)


Course Outline:

C.A.S.K.E.T. is an acronym for Creation, Abraham, Sinai, Kings, Exile, and Temple.[1]  This will give structure to our overall class.  Weeks will be delineated as follows:

April 6    – C – Creation
April 13   – A – Abraham
April 20  – S – Sinai
April 27  – K– Kings: United Monarchy
May 4     – K – Kings: The Northern Kingdom
May 11     – K – Kings: The Southern Kingdom
May 18  – E – Exile
May 27    – T – Temple


Blog Use and Participation:

We will have a blog for the class, accessible through the church’s website.  Each week after class, a class summary will be posted, along with a question for thought.  Use this if you miss a class to keep up with the notes; you may also post your comments, questions, or responses to the question for thought, if you wish!



DON’T:  Don’t be intimidated by the scope of the class.  No prior knowledge needed!

DO:  Do attend as regularly as possible; do follow on the blog when you miss a class.

DO:  Consider doing some of the reading on the C.A.S.K.E.T. bookmarks – this is not necessary for the class, but will be very helpful for you!


[1] C.A.S.K.E.T. is an acronym and curriculum designed by Dr. Carol Kaminski, professor at Gordon-Conwell Seminary.  We will use her outline and reference her book occasionally.  You do not need a copy; but if you’d like to purchase one, or her fantastic outline, you can do so at http://www.casketempty.com/store/