Not What I Want, But What You Want

The Prayer Book of the Rabbi

Last week we discussed Petitionary prayer, aka "Asking God to do stuff."  We mentioned that Moses, in Exodus 32:11-14, famously talked to God and "the LORD changed his mind."  This week, we tackle the other half of that conversation; when we ask God, not to change his mind, but to change ours.  Balancing these two aspects of petitionary prayer is one of the great challenges of the Christian prayer life.

Not What I Want, But What You Want

In the Garden of Gethsemane (see Mark 14:32-42), Jesus offers up a desperate and heartfelt prayer to his Father.  Knowing what is to come, Jesus prays "Abba, for you all things are possible; remove this cup from me."  But then he adds a caveat that enables salvation itself; "But not what I want, but what you want."

In the moments of his deepest fear and distress, Jesus chose not to pray with the goal of changing his Fathers' heart, but rather his own.  We too, are called to follow this example of prayer and submission.

How do we know when to pray with certainty, and when to pray with submission?  Perhaps the connecting thread is the knowledge of God's will.  When Jesus prays with certainty, it is not merely because he wants something, but because he knows it is in his Father's will to heal the sick, or raise the dead.  In Gethsemane, while he understandably dreads the cross and the burden of sin, his Father's will still remains clear.  And so, Jesus prays against his own desires, and for the desire's of his Father's heart.

Where are we expected to model the same submission of Christ to God's will?  Are we willing to pay the cost, as Jesus did, of seeking God's wants over ours?


Psalm 40 is one of Scriptures' most beautiful prayers for patience and trust in the LORD.  In the seasons where we are called to submit our wants to those of God, patience and waiting become essential Christian disciplines.

The band U2 wrote a fantastic version of this Psalm, simply called "40."  Click here to see that song performed live.