Read Through the Entire Word

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Join us in Reading Through the Entire Word by taking on B90X - a walk through the Scripture using "The Bible in 90 Days" by Zondervan.  The Read Through the Entire Word Sermon Series runs from February 3-March 3.

You can download the entire 90 day reading plan below.

Excellent teaching designed to supplement this reading program is available via DVD from "The Bible in 90 Days."  Starting in February,  new ID classes on Sunday morning will be created using those DVDs.  Small groups may also choose to utilize the DVDs if they want to complete B90X together.

Additional Resources:

We highly recommend the Participant's Guide for "The Bible in 90 Days" is a great tool.  You can buy it online here.

John Walton's Essential Bible Companion is also an excellent text and is available here.

For additional materials or information, visit the website for "The Bible in 90 Days."

Note: We do not recommend buying the Bible version of "The Bible in 90 Days."  Your experience reading through the Bible will be more meaningful and have a more lasting impact if you use your own personal Bible.