Understanding the Experiment


What is the Experiment?

For each of the five practices in PRA•X•IS, there is a specific challenge or tool.  While these are practices that should characterize our entire Christian lives, we offer them to you initially as an experiment with specific time constraints.

We challenge you to commit to all five practices; however, it is also possible to select individual components of PRA•X•IS and limit the experiment in that fashion.  Of course, the more fully you test the process, the more impactful it will be in your relationship with God.

When should I start?

Each practice will be accompanied by a four-to-six-week sermon series teaching on that particular topic.  A calendar of the sermon series is available here.  At the beginning of each series, there will be an opportunity to commit to the specific practice with the larger church.  However, every practice can be completed on your own time, regardless of the church’s current focus.

So how does it work?

Step 1.   Take our PRA•X•IS Initial Survey - an online spiritual assessment. 

Step 2.  Throughout the year, use the Connection Card to express your commitments to the practices you will adopt for the span of this experiment.  Commitment cards can also be filled out here.

Step 3.  Get the tool related to your practice.  They can be found both in the Welcome Center, and here on the website.

Step 4.  After completing all the PRA•X•IS components and learning from their respective sermon series, fill out the final online PRA•X•IS Closing Spiritual Assessment.  Compare your results from Step 1 to your results in Step 4 and assess how your spiritual life has changed.  Consider what practices should become life-long tools of faith.